Autumn Newsletter 2020


The Dharma Centre is such a wondrous place of transformation - literally. From an abandoned mink farm it has become a beloved place of refuge and a foundation for spiritual growth, exploration and awakening for so many. As more and more “new” people become part of our community, and as the Centre and its landmarks steadily transform, it becomes that much more important to share our history’s rich tapestry. For the next few issues of the newsletter, we plan to feature stories about the property, decade by decade.

We also cast our gaze into the future and will share with you plans that are beginning to take shape around much needed restoration of our beloved temple — a project the board is working on to actualize in 2021.

In each edition we will feature at least one article from a Board Member and one of our four Spiritual Advisors as well as a collection of stories and reflections on the year and/or season from some of the many different voices that make up the community members who currently are actively participating in all things DCC. 

In this Autumn 2020 newsletter you’ll find articles about the Dharma Centre’s beginnings in the 1960s, a short history and personal reflection about Tseringma House, and reports from a volunteer, a retreatant, and staff about activities on property these past few months, in addition to info about future courses, our wish list, and nowadays, updates about the State of Covid & The DCC.

If you have a story you’d like to share — please get in touch

Stay safe. Stay well.
Marion & Trudy 

Dharma Centre of Canada