Introducing the 2021 Temple Project and its Project Lead


Hello! My name is Travis Olsen and I was asked by the DC board and Spiritual Directors to be the Project Leader for the Temple Project. Before I share an update with you, I’d like to begin by humbly expressing my gratitude to the countless beings who have played a role in making the Dharma Centre what it is today.   

Here’s how I came to this project: About one month ago, I was approached by Lama Mark to explore the possibility of renovating the temple, after Shelane and Tracy mentioned to him I might be a good fit for the position. Lama Mark knew I had managed a variety of projects in the past, including a few real estate renovations. Then I met Jack Connelly, who also suggested I consider the project. I admitted to them I was hesitant, because although I am a Dharma practitioner, I have not been involved in the DC’s community; I would be coming in blind, so to speak. They explained to me that my neutrality would be an asset to the project. I felt it would be an honour to contribute in even a small way to crafting a space where people awaken, so I agreed to manage the project. I’m grateful to all the Spiritual Directors: Lama Mark, Jack, Terry and Karma Chime for initiating the creation of the Temple Renovation Committee. Personally I want to thank Shelane, Tracy, Lama Mark and Jack for initially considering me and the board for approving my position as Project Lead & Co Chair with Monique. It's wonderful the support I’ve received from the community thus far.

As many of us know, the temple is a sacred space which has hosted some truly historic beings, including but in no way limited to His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, HE Kalu Rinpoche, Sayadaw U Thila Wunta, and of course the first Canadian-born Rinpoche, Namgyal Rinpoche. What a fantastic vessel of many blessings!

We are now faced with a question: What do we do with the temple? It is more than 50 years old and lacks a proper foundation. Four expert professionals, have  all agreed that there are significant issues with the building. Perhaps more unfortunate, there are numerous senior practitioners who told me they avoid coming to the Dharma Centre because of the state the temple is in.  It is sad, that the condition of the building has become an obstacle for some  to receive teachings. But where there is challenge, there is opportunity. 

I have much more to share with you. I am preparing a longer version of this article, which I hope to email to you directly. It will bring everyone fully up to speed on what has taken place and the steps we’re taking to move forward. For several weeks I have been reaching out to members of our community to schedule Zoom calls to discuss this project and gather input, and I will continue to do so.

Our goal – the board, the temple renovation committee, and me – is to create a wonderful teaching space. This space could be small or big, be eco-friendly, include a ceremonial preparation room and a proper bathroom, be fully accessible to people with mobility challenges, offer opportunities for community work weekends, incorporate affects to honor the existing temple, continue to be a beacon of Dharma for another 50 years, and more. What an excellent opportunity this presents! The more of us who participate in the temple project, the stronger the result will be. I encourage you to reach out to me to share your experiences and provide input on the Temple and other buildings at the Dharma Centre. We are working on options and will invite your comments on what your experiences have been and what suggestions you would like to share regarding improving the Temple and other buildings at the Dharma Centre

All my best,

Travis Olsen

Dharma Centre of Canada