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Awake, Aware, Free (Part 1) -7 day silent home retreat online ~ live streamed with Resident Teachers Mala Sikka and Terry Hagan


AWAKE AWARE FREE - Our True Nature
May 4th until May 10th
with Resident Teachers Mala Sikka and Terry Hagan

“I found such nectar like truth, profoundly peaceful, luminous, uncontrived, a brilliant natural simplicity free from elaboration . . .” Buddha Sakyamuni

At this auspicious time of the year*, we reflect on one man's endeavour to discover the truth and live in harmony. Sakyamuni Buddha found a truth which he described as profound, peaceful, uncontrived, luminous and uncreated, our inherent true nature. Yet this deep insight of compassion and wisdom often directly challenges our modern preconceptions and daily experience of life as inevitably random, stressful and chaotic. How can we access the truth that the Buddha found?

The Buddha’s teaching has been the root inspiration and instruction for all mindfulness training, which is just one facet of his vast teachings of skill and means. This meditation retreat will use the teachings of the Buddha, direct supportive meditation exercises and guidance to help access our innate awareness ~ our true refuge. Through Hearing, Contemplation and Meditation, drawing on the support of those who have gone before and nature, we will learn to cultivate and apply awareness in each and every moment, bringing understanding and support to the ground of being present.

We will meditate with the five traditional hand postures of touching the earth, offering, union, fearlessness and wisdom. This is a joyful, rich and rewarding practice, profound in its ability to renew and refresh. It helps to transcend habitual patterns and allows us to rest in the radiance of our true nature, naturally confident.

This will be a home practice retreat livestreamed with Terry and Mala guiding, held in silence, except for classes and interviews where there will be ample time to ask questions. There will also be daily body work to loosen and free patterns that bind us, releasing hidden potentials. Now with the coming of spring we aspire to use the support of outdoors (weather permitting) if you have access to a small outdoor space.

This Silent retreat offers the following opportunities:

  • daily sitting and walking meditations

  • dharma classes

  • meditation interviews

  • key body work to open and enliven our experience merging awareness practice with post meditation

  • learning how to structure and conduct your own retreat and apply the benefits in your life.

* Vesak May 7th full moon: festival celebrating the birth, enlightenment and death (paranirvana) of Sakyamuni Buddha. It is said that, to do this practice at this time, is very auspicious for one’s practice and unfoldment.

It is important that we establish your level of commitment before we start this home retreat so that we can work out how to best support you. You should have access to a separate space in your home where you can practice undisturbed. With this in mind we would like to have a dialogue with each of you before the start of the course. If you cannot make the entire retreat you would be welcome to join for the first few days as long as we establish the commitment ahead of time.

Some comments from last year's retreat participants.

"Mala and Terry were extremely generous with the time they spent with us.  They were patient, personable, approachable, and showed a genuine interest in the participants.  As a first time retreatant, I felt welcomed, supported, and at ease.  It is with a grateful heart that I thank you both for your offerings in this retreat.  I think of you daily from my cushion. The teachings, lessons and guidance was exactly what I hoped it would be, and then some.  I felt like a dry sponge tossed in the ocean,and wanting to soak everything in.  I thank you for devoting so much of your time to the group over the three days.  And, for allowing time for personal session, which was immense and touched me deeply.  I have truly taken to heart all of your suggestions and recommendations.  You have helped me regain clarity, direction and confidence in my meditation practice.  The “fierce meditator” is at it daily."

Sue Bitonte, Yoga Instructor, Peterborough, Ontario


"The retreat gave me a glimpse that meditation could be so much more. I felt that it was the beginning of a much larger adventure, way bigger than what I thought it would be. Since I've come home, I meditate for longer periods of time. I am much more regular in my practice. For a long time, I've wanted to get rid of some habits such as looking at my phone every 10 minutes, wasting too much time on social media or looking at news feed. The retreat was a chance to get out of the turmoil of everyday life. It gave me perspective on my life and on myself. I was able to stop wasting time on Internet. I am very pleased about that. I'm trying to bring more mindfulness in my life.  Enjoying silence in the retreat showed me that all these habits were making me less present. 

I would really love to do a longer retreat at some point. I am truly grateful for this retreat.” 

Matthieu, Montréal, Quebec

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Mala Sikka started her career with a B.A in Theatre Design. Her interest in art and meditation led her to meet her first Zen meditation teacher, Roshi John Garrie, who later gave her his blessings to teach. In 1997 Mala deepened her Buddhist studies with the now late Namgyal Rinpoche. Since 2008 her main teachers are Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Myingyur Rinpoche. Mala has also received teachings and transmissions from HH.Dalai Lama, HH. Sakya Trizen, and Tsoknyi RInpoche. Each year she spends several months in retreat to aid her transformation and that of others.

Mala is a qualified Shiatsu/Seiki - Soho Practitioner and Amerta movement teacher. She has led regular meditation and movement retreats for over thirty years. She always works with a basis of movement awareness, offering courses and retreats to all age groups. Mala's subtle approach to body work and postural awareness gives participants a keen understanding of how the 'mindbody' link is integral to perception, presence and meditation.


Terry Hagan met his root teacher, Ven Namgyal Rinpoche, in his early twenties and soon became his principle attendant. For the next 27 years he was constantly at Rinpoche’s side as Rinpoche travelled the world giving teaching and empowerment. During this time Terry received intensive training in Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings and practices. As part of his training, Terry was also fortunate to have received empowerment and teaching from many eminent masters including H.H.16th Karmapa, H.H. Sakya Trizen, H.E. Choegye Trichen Rinpoche to name but a few. Terry continued to attend and study with Namgyal Rinpoche right up to Rinpoche’s passing in 2003.

Shortly thereafter, Terry was requested to teach and he has continued to do so in a number of different locations and venues in various countries. He has been the co-resident teacher at the Dharma Centre of Canada for many years. Terry continues to deepen and refresh his studies and retreats, and since his root teachers passing he has taken empowerment and teachings from Mingyur Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche culminating in a three year retreat in India.  He has also explored Amerta Movement, an integrative body movement meditation, working primarily with Suprapto Suryadharmo in many different parts of the world.

Terry uses his extensive Buddhist training, his deep exploration of body awareness, and his love of nature to bring a fresh and alive approach to meditation.

Important Details

When: May 4-10, the first class will be held via zoom conference on Monday, May 4@10am (EST). The zoom link will be forwarded via email after you have registered. Please plan to register at least 24 hours in advance.

Rates: To help the DCC recover administration costs and remain viable during this time, we ask people to give a minimal donation of $25 or more to help us pay for administration and operational costs. No one will be turned away if they can't cover this suggested amount.

Mala and Terry are sharing their experience within the traditional Buddhist understanding of Dana. To understand more about Dana, please read the following:

What is Dana? Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

To give Dana to Mala&Terry please follow the donation button on the following page:, or send an e-transfer to

Later Event: May 25
Open Mind Insight Retreat