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ONLINE - Buddhism 101: Introduction to Buddhist Principles and Practices with Linda Hochstetler

  • Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road Kinmount Canada (map)
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This introduction course is for those of you curious about meditation and its benefits, as well as wanting to understand the basic Buddhist principles that support the meditation practices. We'll explore mindfulness, karma, and the middle way and how they inform these various meditation practices. You'll learn about the 3 marks of existence - impermanence, no-self, and suffering - and how these play out in everyday life. Whether you're looking to understand what Buddhism stands for or you want to journey all the way to awakening, this weekend will be a great step of the way.

Retreat Schedule:


7:30 - 8:30 pm: Class


7 - 8 am: Meditation

10 - 11 am: Class

4 - 5 pm: Class

7:30 - 8:30 pm: Class


7 - 8 am: Meditation

10 - 11 am: Final Class

Linda Hochstetler - close web - by Yvonne Bambrick.jpg

Lama Linda (aka Linda Hochstetler) has studied both mindfulness meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism for more than 20 years. She trained in mindfulness meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 90’s, and studied under Namgyal Rinpoche (the first Canadian-born Rinpoche) from 1995 until his death in 2003. She received permission to teach in the Namgyal lineage in 2014, and currently studies Vajrayana Buddhism with Doug Duncan Sensei and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei. Silent meditation retreats are a central part of her study and practice, and since 1995, she has completed retreats of between 1 week and 2 months in length every year.

Important Details:

When: Friday, April 23rd to Sunday, April 25th, 2021.

Rates: The total cost for online participation will be $100 for the weekend with 50% going towards AIT and 50% towards the DCC to offset administrative costs. Nobody will be turned away for a lack of funds. Should you wish to request a reduction or need any support to cover this fee please contact

To make this payment please send us an e-transfer to or pay via PayPal or Credit card here. Please proceed to register below.

What is Dana? Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

Please note that the registration deadline for this retreat will be Thursday, April 22nd at 4pm. The zoom link will be sent out to the participants at that time.