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Four Immeasurables with Derek Rasmussen

  • Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road Kinmount Canada (map)

Option 1: Full Retreat

Option 2: Weekly Retreat

  • Feb 19th - 26th

  • Feb 26th - Mar 5th

  • Mar 5th- 12th

Option 3: Weekend Retreat

  • Feb 24th - 26th

  • Mar 3rd - 5th

  • Mar 10th - 12th

There will be a special program on February 21st and March 7th to celebrate Losar, Tibetan New Year

Each of the 3 weeks will have a theme of practice and study; and each weekend will also have a distinct focus; those interested can attend any portion of the weeks or weekends below:

Derek's stay at the Dharma Centre coincides with 'Lhosar' (Tibetan New Year) Tues. Feb 21, and 'Chotrul Duchen', the ensuing 15 days (Feb 21 - March 7) which commemorate the '15 Days of Miracles' when the historical Buddha displayed miracles for his disciples, in order to increase their devotion, culminating in the 15th and strongest day, Tues March 7, the full moon.

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, it is believed that the effects of both positive and negative actions are multiplied ten million times during these 15 days.

More Info:



Sun Feb 19 - Sun Feb 26

Derek will arrive Sunday afternoon from Toronto

Classes will start Monday at 10am in the temple

Mon-Fri; classes on 'The Four Immeasurables'- Loving Kindness, Compassion Appreciative Joy, Equanimity

Classes will normally be at 10am and 3pm; with the option of evening classes at 7:30pm.

Tues  Feb 21. 10 AM: Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara) Puja ; originally from Thangtong Gyalpo (1500AD)-

 -Additional Tibetan Buddhist practice to mark Lhosar and the beginning of Chotrul Duchen (Chenrezig is the emanation of compassion)

Weekend:  Sat Feb 25, Sun Feb 26

Teaching on Loving Kindness and Mindfulness

Sat Feb. 25 10am Maitreya Puja -  10am (Maitreya is the emanation of Loving Kindness)



Sun Feb 26 - Sun March 5

Continuing meditation on the Loving Kindness and Compassion with additional study of the 7 Factors of Awakening:

What are the keys to awakening, according to the Buddha? Over 7 days, we will study the 7 key states that the Buddha said ought to be cultivated to put our lives firmly on the path to awakening.

Weekend:  Sat March 4 , Sun March 5
Teaching on 7 Factors of Awakening (focusing on the final two factors: concentration and equanimity)

Sat March 4, 10am, Medicine Buddha Puja (for healing)



Sun March 5 - Sun March 12

Creativity and responsiveness. Dharma Centre founder Namgyal Rinpoche said that the two most important qualities in a meditator are compassion and flexibility of mind. How do we develop flexibility of mind? This week will focus on meditations that increase our creativity, flexibility and responsiveness.

Tues  March 7,  10 AM. (Full Moon) Chotrul Duchen

Guru Rinpoche Puja -  10am  (the emanation of varieties of skilful teaching)

Weekend: Sat March 11, Sun March 12

Teaching on Compassion and Caring for the Planet

(Optional: Puja of Green Tara)



Facebook Live/Zoom Teaching & Meditation

In addition to the Four Immeasurable in-person retreat at the DCC, Derek will continue the teaching on this topic online, focusing on the 3rd and 4th aspects; Appreciative Joy and Equanimity. Please join us.

Feb 21st at 7:30 pm Appreciative Joy (Mudita)


Join by Zoom

Feb 28th at 7:30 pm Equanimity (Upekkha)


Join by Zoom

Please note: Dana to teacher can be sent directly to

Teacher: Derek Rasmussen graduated from the three year Buddhist minister's training program at the Kinmount Academy and Seminary, whose faculty included David Bohm, David Peat, Tarchin Hearn, Sonam Senge, Karma Chime Wongmo, Cecilie Kwiat, Sayadaw U Thila Wanta and Namgyal Rinpoche.

Derek co-founded the first Canada-wide East Timor group (with Julia Milton), and helped organize a Toronto-NYC peace walk. He was a member of the Cruise Missile Conversion Project, which used labour organizing and blockades to try to convert Litton's missile factory in Mississauga to peaceful production. As a civil disobedience trainer, he helped found the Alliance for NonViolent Action (ANVA).

He lived in Iqaluit, Nunavut, for twelve years, working for Inuit organizations, with whom he attended the COP 11 UN Climate Change Conference (2005). He has also helped research lawsuits against Canada's violation of Inuit rights--particularly Inuit language and education rights.

Derek has authored or co-authored chapters in 7 books, as well as written for the Globe and Mail, Le Devoir, Yes Magazine, Briarpatch Magazine, InterCulture, Science for the People, Cultural Survival Quarterly, Our Schools Our Selves, and Turning Wheel (Magazine of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship).

His writings are archived at:


Important Details

When: Please plan to arrive between 3-5pm on the first day. The retreat will begin with a property orientation at 5:30pm followed by a light supper and the first evening class and will finish after lunch on the final day.

Option 1: Full Retreat - $2,478 (non-members) / $2,205 - (members)

Option 2: Weekly Retreat - $826 (non-members) / $735 (members)
(Feb 19th - 26th / Feb 26th - Mar 5th / Mar 5th- 12th)

Option 3: Weekend Retreat - $125 (non-members) / $110 (members)
(Feb 24th - 25th / Mar 3rd - 5th / Mar 10th - 12th)

There are also options to attend the course for a reduced rate in exchange of doing service for the Centre. Please contact the Retreat Administrator at for further details.

(To find out how to become a member please visit our membership page)

Rates include: Single accommodation and all meals. They do not include instructor fees. The teacher is sharing his/her experience within the traditional Buddhist understanding of Dana. To understand more about Dana, please read the following:

What is Dana? Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

Deposit: A 50% deposit is required to hold your space upon registration.