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Integrating Sound, Speech, Mantra and Breath into All our Practices

  • Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road Kinmount Canada (map)
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Integrating sound, speech, mantra and breath into all our practices*

Uncovering the secrets and laws of one's voice and speech and their interconnectedness with our mental and physical continuum.


with Michael Gohl (Kalsang Wangchuk)

Friday, November 26th to Sunday, November 28th, 2021

We explore, reflect and do exercises to discover and get familiar with the laws and functions of the magic of our voice organ. Within our voice, we explore the distinctions between sound, seed-syllable, speech and "singing." Going deeper with our mindfulness, we want to know more about the "cause of our vocal intimations." (Using a term from the Abhidhamma) Discerning the mindstates behind every vocal expression is the starting point for using voice as practice for meditation and liberation. From there, we will explore classical meditative exercises like Mantra Recitation with or without visualization as well as traditional Tibetan Chanting as transmitted by Ven. Ontul Rinpoche and Ven. Ratna Rinpoche. More specific fields - like the pronunciation of the Sanskrit (Ali-Kali-) alphabet and the Tibetan alphabet - will be touched upon according to interest and time. Short formal practices will end the teaching sessions. In addition to the classes, Michael will offer one individual coaching session on request for participants with specific questions regarding their voice. 

Schedule (five teaching sessions on Zoom):

Friday: 7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PDT)

Saturday: 11:00 am EST (8:00 am PDT) and 7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PDT)

Sunday: 11:00 am EST (8:00 am PDT) and 7:00 pm EST (4:00 pm PDT)

One individual coaching session p. participant by request. 

Technical requirements: An external loudspeaker for good sound quality. A screen big enough to follow the movements of the teacher while standing and moving. 

*Lama Mark Webber requested Michael to teach this theme to the retreatants of the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat 2021. Because of Covid, it had to be cancelled.

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Michael Gohl (Kalsang Wangchuk) studied and practiced Buddha Dharma with Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche since 1981. With Rinpoche's guidance and the practice of Buddha Dharma, Michael transformed his classical training and livelihood as a clarinetist, choir conductor, and music teacher into a practice of the Path to Liberation. Together with his wife Eva Gohl, they regularly invited Rinpoche to Switzerland, organizing many courses, retreats and international trips with Rinpoche. The year after Rinpoche's passing in 2003—moved by Rinpoche's last teaching on The Three Words that Strike the Vital Point by Garab DorjeMichael started the first set of repeated three-month retreats. Michael and Eva kept studying with teachers of the Namgyal Lineage like Tarchin Hearn, Lama Sonam Gyatso, Sensei Doug Duncan and Lama Mark Webber. Sensei Doug Duncan and Lama Mark Webber recommended him to teach Dharma. Lama Mark Webber—Michael's main teacher for more than ten years—regularly asks him to teach the laws of sound, speech and Mantra recitation in the Path to Liberation to his students. 

Since 2015, Michael receives transmissions and practice instructions in the Drikung Yangzab Tradition from Ven. Ontul Rinpoche and Lama Mark Webber. In 2017, Ven. Ontul Rinpoche appointed Michael to be Umze (Tib. Chant Master, Cantor). Ratna Rinpoche introduced him to the most basic principles of this role. For more information on Michael please go here>>

Important Details:

When: Friday, November 26th to Sunday, November 28th, 2021

Rates: The Dharma Centre of Canada is hosting a number of online retreats to support ongoing access to Dharma Teachings during this challenging time. In order to offset administrative costs we ask for a suggested fee of:

$15 per day (minimum fee)
$25 per day (patron fee)
Any fee below or above the suggested amounts. We are grateful for all your support.

(this is considered a 3 day retreat)

To make this payment please send us an e-transfer to or make a payment via PayPal or credit card at:

Thank you for your support!

Dana: Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

Michael is sharing his experience within the traditional understanding of dana/donation which can be offered through e-transfer if in Canada, or through PayPal to the following email address:

Now closed for registrations.