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Billowing Clouds of Compassion Awareness : Deepening Our Explorations of The Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature with Lama Mark Webber

  • Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road Kinmount Canada (map)

Just Announced

Billowing Clouds of Compassion Awareness: Deepening our Explorations of the Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature

One week of Zoom classes, Sept 24-30

An invitation from Dharma Centre of Canada and Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada
Daily Classes will be held at 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM EDT*
*Class times subject to change

Join us for one week of public Zoom classes with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen).

Fee: $150 CAD. The classes will be live-streamed and access will be made available to the (unedited) recordings.

Access to recordings may be delayed due to on-site technical challenges.

Please note, that no one will be turned away from participating in these precious teachings due to lack of funds.

Please contact to request a rate within your means.

This fee assists the organizers in covering costs associated with the Teacher's travel, accommodation as well as technical costs for Zoom, equipment, storage and digital access.

To register, please see link below or for more information visit:

Once registration and payment is received, we will send the Zoom link via email on or before September 22nd.

Billowing Clouds of Compassion Awareness : Deepening Our Explorations of The Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature

with Lama Mark Webber

September 23 - October 12, 2022

We are delighted to announce that Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber)

( has accepted an invitation from his students to return to the DCC to lead a three-week immersive retreat.

Lama Mark will offer Transmissions and Teachings from the streams of the Drikung Mahamudra and Dzogchen lineages and other precious lines of transmission. In addition to bestowing Transmissions and Empowerments, Lama Mark will offer personal guidance in a deepening practice of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. The exploration of the Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature will take place in a variety of modalities in order to support the unique learning needs of students and practitioners. This will include classes, periods of group practice and also personal practice time.Additional details will be forthcoming.

In the first week of the retreat, Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen will introduce the foundations of the awakening mind (Bodhicitta) with the support of meditation, together with the Four Noble Truths, Compassion and Emptiness and meditation on transience and death.

In the second week, Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen will bestow transmissions on the meditation of Chenresig from the Drikung Dzogchen tradition: The Outer, Inner and Secret practices of the Chenresig Sole Syllable as taught by Padmasambhava and revealed by Gyalwang Rinchen Phuntsog in the 16th  century.

The third week will be a continuation of instructions, meditations and teachings of the Chenresig Sole Syllable practice & Mahamudra Instructions of Padmasambhava including reading and teachings from an extraordinary text on the ‘Great Seal’ by Padmasambhava. There will also be commentary from Lho Trinle Namgyal and Tashi Namgyal’s texts on Mahamudra. The meditation on Chenresig will continue with an emphasis on inner yoga practices with group and individual practice.

Throughout the three weeks, Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen will include explorations of yoga, Feldenkrais and other sensory in-touchment and enlivening sessions. The sessions support a progressively deepening awareness of our bodies as vital to liberation.

Other Empowerments, transmissions and practices to be announced.

Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen) has been studying and teaching Buddha Dharma and meditation for over forty years. He met his principle teacher the Venerable K. T. Dorgyal Namgyal Rinpoche in 1972 and had the good fortune to study with, attend, reside and travel with and assist Namgyal Rinpoche for many periods over three decades until his teacher’s passing in 2003.

He was instructed by Namgyal Rinpoche to begin teaching in 1975. Lama Mark has done extensive meditation retreats and periods of study with other teachers who include H.H. the 16th Karmapa, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, and H.E. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and more recently Drikung Lho Ontul Rinpoche (through which come the transmissions of the Yangzab Dzogchen cycle). During the 1980s he was a Resident Teacher during Namgyal Rinpoche’s teaching at the 1st Academy, a three-year seminary program at the Dharma Centre of Canada, Kinmount, Ontario. He has authorization by Namgyal Rinpoche to bestow empowerments in the Vajrayana Tantric tradition. The title ‘Lama’ was bestowed by H.E. Chogye Trinchen Rinpoche in 2001.

Lama Webber's background, training and interests are diverse. They include research in molecular/cell biology and chemistry, arts education administration, running small businesses, regional economic planning and consulting, as well as in fine arts and crafts. He holds a Masters degree in Anthropology, following an investigation of the interconnections between meditation, ritual, cognition and neurophysiology. For the last ten years Lama Webber has also been engaged in a study of microscopic life, the unseen approximately 99% of all life forms on this planet. 

Lama Mark Webber is a Visiting, Guiding and Resident Teacher for a number of retreats and Dharma Centres worldwide; for example the Crystal Mountain Retreat Centre, Galiano Island, B.C. and the Queenstown Dharma Centre, New Zealand. For a number of years, during the past 25 years Lama Mark has served as the Resident Teacher at the retreat property of the Dharma Centre of Canada in Kinmount, Ontario. Lama Mark also teaches at many other centres in Canada and internationally. In 2009 he founded Namgyal Choling Gompa, on Galiano Island next to the Crystal Mountain Retreat Centre.

Important Details

When: September 23 - October 12, 2022

Rates: Fees: $2,607 members /$2,360 non-members

The Course Fee rate has been set at $330 with a $50 reduction for Early Bird registrations that are received on or before August 15th. Please note that Course fees are separate from Registration fees. The Course Fee assists the course organizers to meet all ground and air travel, food and other travel related expenses for the Teacher and his attendant. The Early Bird rate is set at $280 and will be in effect for all registrations received on or before August 15th.

Rates include: Single accommodation, all meals, printed course materials and a course fee to support the Lama and attendant's air and ground travel, food, and other expenses. They do not include instructor fees. Lama Mark is sharing his experience within the traditional Buddhist understanding of Dana. To understand more about Dana, please read the following:

What is Dana? Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

Deposit: A 50% deposit is required to hold your space upon registration.

Cancellation policy: Full refund up to 7 days before the commencement of the course. For cancellations less than 7 days prior to course begin, a $100 administrative fee will be charged.