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Silent Vipassana Retreat with Mala Sikka and Terry Hagan

  • Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road Kinmount Canada (map)


Silent Vipassana Retreat

with Mala Sikka and Terry Hagan

August 5-12, 2022

“Vipassana means ‘clear seeing’. Ordinary beings like us don’t see things clearly. Our perceptions are distracted and distorted with prejudice and bias. Seeing something clearly means leaving it alone. When you apply Vipassana, there’s a sense that anything could happen: it might work, it might not work. At the same time you have no hope and no fear. So applying the wisdom of Vipassana in our day-to-day life – even the most mundane experience in our life ...” – is what we aim for.
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 

Vipassana (mindfulness/insight) meditation is a way to inquire deeply into the nature of our experience. By cultivating an openness to seeing things as they really are, beyond judgment and opinion, we are able to experience intimately what arises. This direct experience has it’s own vitality and gives rise to the sense of deep calm that comes from knowing something for oneself, beyond any doubt.

The first two days of this course will focus on deepening the sense of calm, using gentle body work and calm abiding meditations. As the course progresses the emphasis will shift to the practice of insight in the Burmese Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.

  • Regular group meditation

  • Dharma talks with time for questions

  • Individual meditation guidance

  • Daily gentle body work - awareness sessions

  • Postural integration to enable ease in sitting and in all postures

    This is often a popular course so it is advisable that you book early as numbers will be limited. Please describe your background experience, it helps if you have done a silent retreat or if you have worked with Mala and Terry before. This is not a requirement, however, due to the nature of the course content, applications will need to be submitted before registration can be confirmed.

Priority Registration for those who have previously worked with Mala and Terry and young people until June 10th.

People can still apply from now and their applications will be reviewed accordingly.



Mala Sikka and Terry Hagan

Important Details

When: Aug 5 - 12, 2022. Please plan to arrive between 3-5pm on the first day. The retreat will begin with a property orientation at 5:30pm followed by a light supper and the first evening class and will finish at 5pm on the last day.

Rates: $826 - non-members $735 - members

Rates include: Single accommodation and all meals. They do not include instructor fees. Mala and Terry are sharing their experience within the traditional Buddhist understanding of Dana. To understand more about Dana, please read the following:

What is Dana? Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teachers and helps to ensure that these teachings will continue for others.

It is recommended that students make an offering of Dāna at the beginning of the course to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity, for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others. If you’re wondering how much to give, please consider what you might give for similar classes & sessions which have been offered with a set fee. Please also consider your own income and the proportion of it you can reasonably offer to support the teachings. Most importantly, Dana should come from the heart in a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Please Note Mala and Terry are not compensated by the Dharma centre of Canada and rely on donations. All offerings made will be given directly to Mala and Terry and used to support the continuation of these teachings. There will be a bowl at the Centre with envelopes so one can offer Dana. It is also possible to send an e-transfer directly to them at

Deposit: A 50% deposit is required to hold your space upon registration.

Cancellation policy: Full refund up to 7 days before the commencement of the course. For cancellations less than 7 days prior to course begin, a $100 administrative fee will be charged.