Enlivening the Monuments for Future Generations

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We are aging. So are the DCC’s monuments. Time to repair and return them to their beauty again.   Equally important… time to pass how-to knowledge and experience on to younger generations. Time to let go of glorious attachments to what we did, participated in, helped with, the fantastic dharma connections made, time to pass the gifts along and make room for others to care, to want to care, for these larger-than-human symbols of The Teaching. These physical, well-thought out, centuries old designs of the enlightenment process brought to brick and mortar and shaped to bless, build merit, and support both admirers and those whose efforts — physical, financial, religious, spiritual — brought the structures to life.

Let’s celebrate us all because if you’ve been to the DC’s property then likely you’ve seen/felt/been affected by one of these structures. Perhaps you’ve sat near or walked around one. Wondered about them. Been drawn by a magnetic energy that you might not have quite understood and yet couldn’t help but notice.

The disrepair became too apparent. Several of us were inspired to take action and thus, a Monument Restoration Committee was formed… and what a lovely chain reaction since then. Volunteers appeared — all whom we thank deeply for their time, interest, sweat and generosity. Our fundraising goal was exceeded, good tools were purchased, good quality materials are being used. The work is slow but it will get done. “Do The Work.” Yes, sir. We are doing the work. 

We do this work to revitalize and mend with the intention to pass along not just the know-how about nuts and bolts repair work and maintenance, but also to share a deep love of dharma and connection to community that engenders a knowing of the deeper power within each structure and a deeper sense of love and community within us all.

Please contact me — we want to hear your stories about any of the shrines/structures at the DCC. Help us collect these precious memories and stories. tgold108@gmail.com

Trudy Gold

Dharma Centre of Canada