See Ment Buildings of Energy


For me, monuments are the radiant inexpressible dharma, beyond words. A symphony in stone.  All three — the Tibetan stupa, the Burmese pagoda and the Sri Lankan dagoba — start from a simple clear point in space that manifests the sacred geometry below.

We can walk in silence around them to hear their silence. Then rest and watch the clear point radiate everywhere in all directions. Kinda like we do when we are happy and at peace.

Its incumbent on us all to keep this place thriving. You want to be a good sentient being? Look into yourself and recognize your goodness. Amazing circumstances are there for us: good health, good conditions, good medicine. And what have any of us done to deserve all these things? Merit. We are here because we’ve built up a storehouse of merit. Not us the person, the ego, but each of us as the continuum of energy that’s taken many forms and danced in many dances and been in many different places. 

Namgyal Rinpoche is still here and that means his job will be done through us. He needs us to wake up and be beacons of peace. It’s the best we can do. To be peaceful and send out that energy to friends, we need to be good people in our daily lives. 

For the benefit of the planet we are working to maintain these monuments so that in the future this powerful land will become the next Nalanda, supporting the people who will spread peace and the teachings. 

How marvellous that the radiant Namgyal Rinpoche left us these great gifts. Listen. The Dharma has not left the Centre.

Tryg Schonning

Dharma Centre of Canada