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Mindfulness & Meditation: Coming Home to our Natural Self Retreat

Mindfulness & Meditation: Coming Home to our Natural Self Retreat
with Sharon Tashi
July 26-31

This 5-night and 6-day retreat will be grounded in the MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction program) and will be informed by traditional and modern perspectives on the Brahma Viharas/Natural States of Being. A weekend only option is available.

Weekend classes will explore, in a variety of ways, the practices, attitudes and themes worked within an MBSR program. Moving past the weekend, the focus will expand to include what has been described as the four natural states of being. Loving-kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity, traditionally known as the Brahma Viharas, are now being incorporated into modern mindfulness instruction as research shows these qualities impact our well-being in ways not previously understood when Mindfulness programs began.

As an antidote to the busyness of our day to day lives, our minds feeling full rather than mindful, and because our attention is being grabbed by constant stimulation and noise, the retreat will be silent expect during class time, where you are welcome to ask questions and instruction will be provided.

The Dharma Centre environment has been supporting meditation teaching and retreat for over 50 years as the oldest meditation and retreat centre in Canada. This rural retreat will provide time for walks in nature and personal time. Past participants of Sharon's retreats have found them life enriching experiences, many returning again and again for a seasonal reboot. We sit together to learn, practice and open into our natural selves. Whether new to mindfulness and meditation, or looking to deepen a practice, we all can benefit when we bring our own kind attention home to ourselves.

Studying traditional teachings and learning modern perspectives, Sharon Tashi has been teaching and leading meditation retreats, courses and classes since 2010. Recently she has been offering an 8-week Mindful Living program, leading residential retreats, and has joined the working faculty of ENSO Society for Contemplative Engagement with a Zen Inspired Gentle Meditation and Movement series, while supporting the growth of community formation in the Okanagan Valley of B.C. She completed professional training under the direction of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dr. Saki Santorelli, directors of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at Massachusetts Medical and is a graduate of the Inter-Professional Certificate program in Applied Mindfulness Meditation from the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work with a specialty in the Mind at Work business stream. Sharon Tashi has received instruction from Meditation Masters such as Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche, Thich Nhat Hanh,17th Karmapa, Sayadaw U Thila Wunta, and Dzogchen Masters Wongdor Rinpoche and Lama Lena (Yeshe Katyup) whom she continues to study with.She holds a degree in Adult Education, a Career and Work Counselor diploma, and is a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®.

Important Details:

Friday, July 26th to Wednesday, July 31st. Please plan to arrive between 3-5pm on the first day. The retreat will begin with a property orientation at 5:30pm followed by a light supper and the first evening class and will finish after lunch on the final day.

Full retreat: Non-members: $630.00 / Members: $555.00
Weekend option: Non-members: $260.00 / Members: $230.00

Rates include:
Single accommodation and all meals. They do not include instructor fees. Sharon Tashi is sharing her experience within the traditional Buddhist understanding of Dana. To understand more about Dana, please read the following:

What is Dana?
Teachers give the teachings of awakening (Dharma) freely so that anyone, no matter their financial means can attend classes. Each time one receives teachings, it is an opportunity to consciously practice generosity. Giving money and other means of support expresses gratitude and support to the teacher and helps to ensure that these teachings continue. Each person receiving Dharma teachings determines the kind and amount of Dāna according to one’s heart and one’s financial means. When deciding how much to offer, one should think about what these teachings mean to you and try to give accordingly. It is recommended that students make an offering of dāna at the beginning of a class or retreat to establish the intention to make the most of this opportunity for one’s own progression and for the benefit of all others.

A 50% deposit is required to hold your space upon registration.

Cancellation policy:
Refund 7 days before the commencement of the course 75% with 25% going towards a future course within 2019.
Refund 2 days before the commencement of the course 50% with 35% going towards a future course within 2019.